Bangla Divisional Meet2015
Objective/Summary of the Event
1. The mode of the event will be like Youth Festival of that Division.
2. Open For all
3. Prior Registration will be required to enter the venue at the entry gate for Database collection. Digital system will be enabled.
1. Gathering of about 2000 people
2. Enrollment for Joy Bangla Youth Award
3. Screening youth achievers of the divisional/District level
4. At least 50 Success stories to be enrolled for Joy Bangla Youth Award in National level for 7th March.
5. Major Dissemination of Information to the mass level to join Young Bangla youth platform.
6. Young Bangla will be showcased as the Achievers platform who believes in Positive Bangladesh and create impact through Networking- Showcasing-facilitation opportunity of young Bangla.
Campaign Modality:
Pre Event Campaign:
a) Visit of advance team lead by NahimRazzak ,MPin the Division for Coordination.
b) PosterInstallation 7 days priorin the Division and district level (Main locations of student activities)
c) Banner installation in the Youth based locations7 Days prior to the Event.
d) Leaflet Distribution for 7 Days by Branded pickup activationstarting 7 days prior to the event.
e) Miking and Playing of Young Bangla theme song by Branded pickup activation.
Program outlineofYoung Bangla Divisional Meet
Stage performance outline:
Time | What |
2.00 pm to 5.00 pm | Registration |
3.00 pm to 3.05 pm | MC (Introduce Guests present at the program) |
3.05 pm to 3.10 pm | Music Video of Young Bangla |
3.10 pm to 3.25 pm | Welcome speech by NahimRazzak,MP |
3.25 pm to 3.30 pm | AV presentation of Young Bangla |
3.30 pm to 5.00 pm | Open Discussion a) District level Success stories b) Experiences Sharing of National Youth and Celebrities c) Participants from audience |
5.00 pm to 5.30 pm | Divisional Level innovation Showcasing(Digital ,engineering, agro, renewable – BY ESAB) |
5.30 pm to 6.00 pm | Local singers and performer will perform on ‘Theme Song of Young Bangla’ |
6.00 pm to 6.30 pm | Good luck Young Bangla Draw (Raffle Draw) |
6.30 pm to 8.00 pm | Band performance (Local and a Dhaka Band) |
Venue Layout and other engagement:
i) Joy Bangla youth Award Tent:
This is like a hot seat where local achievers will seat and share their story which will be recorded by video camera. 1 Page write up submission of the achievement and activities will be there.
ii) Internship Registration Tent:
Participants will come and submit their Resume for the Internship in Government Ministry. There will be help desk to facilitate them to drop the CV and zone will be branded by the ministry names which will be open for internship.
iii) Registration for Membership:
This booth will be for Young Bangla membership registration and will promote the Youth Platform and to get enrolled in Young Bangla for the National level youth Networking- Showcasing-facilitation.
iv) District Stalls:
Teams/ Participants from the district level will showcase /Brand their district and divisional unique things here. The branding the positive side of the division and districts will come up here. The ideas and elements will be selected for showcasing in 7th March Divisional showcasing tent from this booths.
বিস্তারিত জানতে নিচের ফাইলটি ডাউনলোড করুন-----------
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS